Matou te fa’atalofa ma fa’afeiloa’i atu i le mamalu o le atunu’u. O le Upega-o-Feso’ota’iga lenei a le Ofisa o le Vaai Tau a Samoa. Malo le soifua laulelei, malo le lagi e mama.




Section Functions and Areas of Work


·         The section aims to produce and provide the public, aviation and transport systems, mariners, with twice daily weather forecasts and advice on weather related events

·         To organize and manage Operations to observe and record hourly, synoptic (3 hourly), and daily weather observations for critical weather information dissemination to aviation and transport systems, mariners, and for climate archival



·     Operations record data 24 hours, 7 days a week, at the Apia, Mulinu’u station and at the Faleolo Airport station

·     The data recorded is also coded by Operations for hourly metars (meteorological aviation reports) and synoptic (3 hourly) reports. This data is shared on the global meteorological network

Climate Service

Section Functions and Areas of Work

Climate Observations

The Climate section manages the weather and climatological observations data for archival and storage, both physical and digital. All observations are archived in the Database Management System widely known as CliDE.

Climate Reporting

The section produces monthly summaries of climatic conditions/climate trends in the form of climate reports that become part of a regional and global climate monitoring network.

Climate Monitoring

The section also works with past and current data to monitor and diagnose climate phenomenas that influence Samoa’s climate and weather; for instance the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ), the Warm Pool and the Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO).

Instrument Care | Quality Assurance

To monitor performances and provide maintenance to networked rainfall and climate stations around Samoa to ensure quality of submitted data.

Specialized Climate Applications

To administer Samoa’s Climate Early Warning System (CLEWS) and provide routine tailored climate information and alerts that meet sector and community needs. The CLEWS information helps guide planning and manage climate risks presented by climate variability and long term climate change.

Seasonal Climate Forecasting | Traditional Knowledge

Lead in the collection, verification and applications of Traditional Knowledge into Seasonal Climate Forecasting.

Geo-Science Service

Section Functions and Areas of Work

Standard Operating Procedures for Earthquake and Tsunami Alerts.




  • English Version
  • Samoan Version
  • Servere Weather Information
  • Public Forecast
  • Marine Forecast

We provide quality services embraced within the key principles of good governance, accountability, transparency and the following values, in a healthy and secure environment.

Head Office

Mulinu’u Peninsula, Mulinuu, Samoa

Call Us

(+685) 20855