
Mapping Section
Mapping Status
- Mapping’s core function is to update and produce the National Base Map of Samoa.
- We also can produce various thematic maps depending on its use and how to satisfy them on what they need.
- Mapping also produces Land Resource Maps which covers Soil, Land Tenure, Land Capability and
Land Use. - Also Mapping Section deals with producing of maps and also the Minutes for the GNB(Geographic Names Board).
- We do go for site visit to check if the Roads are still access and make sure it is an active road.
- The official Base Maps exits is produce at 1:50,000 scale.
Geographic Names Board
- GNB is established as part of the Agency.
- The Board consists of ;
Minister who shall be the Chairperson.
2. C.E.O. who shall be the Deputy Chairperson and 4 other members to be appointed by Cabinet from time to time on the recommendation of the Minister.
Objectives of the Board
• To eliminate ambiguity and uncertainty in Geographic Names in Samoa
• To ensure there is appropriate recognition of Samoan heritage and culture in the selection of Geographic Names.
• To provide the institutional and administrative framework that facilitates the widest practicable community consultation on matters covered by this Act.
Functions of the Board
- To assess and determine whether to approve the geographic names in Samoa
- To alter a recorded geographic Name.
- To define, re-define, alter or amend and approve all administrative boundaries.
- To adopt standards and apply rules for the approval of Geographic Names.
- To develop and promote guidelines for the assignment of Geographic Names
- To compile and maintain a record of all geographic names with record of their form, spelling, meaning, origin and history.
- To publish a notice of geographic names and to conduct enquiries and make recommendations on a matter referred to the Board by the Minister.
- Our goal is to satisfy our client needs when we produce or create their maps.
- We serve with honest and the best ability we got to help people not only external works but same as within the Ministry as well.
- We make sure that we able to complete all work given to us day by day or week by week.
Printing Paper Size
- We produce and print maps in Small, Medium and Large Size.
- For example, A4,A3,A1,A2 and A0.
- Be mindful that we do have costing for each Paper Size for printing
Printing Paper Size
Currently we are using 3 Datum for Mapping and these Datum are as follow;
- Lemuta Datum:
- It was establish in the 100 years ago.
- All cadastral and property surveys are carried out based on this local Datum.
- Coordinates with negative numbers can be found with this Datum. Why because of its origin in the center of the country.
- We this Datum to Convert Coordinate Points.
- Western Samoa IntegratedGrid (WSIG 72)
- Established and officially uses for surveying purposes in 1989.
- Uses as the Geodetic Control Survey Network of Samoa.
- Uses for production and publications of any new topographical maps
- Western Samoa Integrated Grid (WSIG 84)
Software that Mapping are using;
- MapInfo Professional – Mostly use for GIS and Map Production
- Global Mapper
- QGIS – Quantum Geographic Information System.
Status of Digital Geographical Data
- Available Dataset includes;
- Aerial Photography of these years (1954,1970,1990,1999,2006-2012)
- Orthophoto Datasets – Available for MapInfo only.
- Topographic Maps and Layers such as, contours, roads, coastline, etc ( Available in MapInfo only)
- Coastal Hazard Zone Datasets. Available in MapInfo only
- Digital Elevation Model
- Satellite Image i.e IKONOS, QUICKBIRD (Lidar Image 2015 – 2016)
- Political Map
- Hema Map (Tourist Map)





- Provide quality services to support the sustainable development of Natural Resources and Environment.
- Production/publication, Examining, approving and updating of Survey Plans
- Index (Recording of) approved survey plans
- implementation and maintenance of the computerized National Land on Solutions for Open Land Administration (SOLA)
- Advise on good survey practice for both internal and external stakeholders.
- Safe keep of microfilm records for old land information
- Produce scanned print of cadastral.
- Provide registry plan for registration purposes.
Quality Assurance aims to provide quality services embraced within the key principles of good governance accountability, transparency and the following values in a healthy and secure environment
- Team Work: Promote collective and coordinated efforts participatory and friendly approches open and frank communication sharing
- Integrity: Take pride in our work, humility in services and respect in our work place.maintain our proffessional relationship with our clients and private sectors with respect and dignity.
- Effective implementation at all levels (lelei faafoeina ma le faatinoina o galuega uma)
- Compliance and enforcement (amanaia ma faamalosia faiga faavae)
1. Subdivision Plan: where a plan is subdivided into allotments for any purpose

- Definition Plan: where details of a land are to be defined or redefined for any purpose
- Both plans shall be prepared by a Licensed Surveyor and shall be accompanied by an offer by the registered proprietor to transfer to the government all areas designated as ROADS, ROAD RESERVES and PUBLIC RESERVES depicted on the plan in accordance with the offer made under sections 19 (20) and 20(2) of Survey Act 2010.
Our Services
Facilitate all types of surveys for the Land board;
- Establish, upgrade and maintain geodetic survey systems both horizontally and vertically
- Provide surveying inspections of work carried out by private surveyors if required;
- Assist Mapping section in providing photo control points for Mapping Section;
- Integrate survey datum as required from time to time;
- Provide administrative support to the Surveying Licensing Board
Surveying is the technique, profession, and science of determining the terrestrial or three-dimensional position of points and the distances and angles between them. A land surveying professional is called a land surveyor. These points are usually on the surface of the Earth, and they are often used to establish land maps and boundaries for ownership locations like building corners or the surface location of sub-surface features, or other purposes required by government or civil law, such as property sales.
Surveyors work with elements of geometry, trigonometry, regression analysis, physics, engineering, metrology, programming languages and the law. They use equipment like total stations, robotic total stations, GNSS (GPS) receivers, digital levels, GIS and surveying software.
Surveying has been an element in the development of the human environment since the beginning of recorded history. The planning and execution of most forms of construction require it. It is also used in transport, communications, mapping, and the definition of legal boundaries for land ownership. It is an important tool for research in many other scientific disciplines.