Land Management


Land Registry

Government Land Administration

Customary Land Administration

Land Development

Land Valuation


” To Ensure the Best Quality Land Registration Systems of Land Based Resources “

Land Registry


  1. Monitor and clean data prepare for Ordinary Folio (Period of twelve Years) 2021
  2. Land Information Searches
  3. Update computer registration of title (Computer Folio Cert)
  4. Represent the Ministry in court cases( Land Disputes)
  5. Land Matters
  6. Preserve and Conserve old land records (Archive/Strong-Room)
  7. Registered new subdivision plan

Adopted Legislations

  • Constitution of Samoa
  • Lands, Surveys and Environment ACT 1989
  • Land Title Registration Act 2008
  • Alienation of Freehold Land Act 1972
  • Alienation of Customary Land Act 1965
  • Land & Registration Act 1992/93
  • Property Law Act 1952
  • Survey Act 2010
  • Unit Title Act 2010
  • Taking of Lands Act 1964



  1. Land Claims: A legal declaration of desire control over areas of property. It is usually used with respect to land disputed.
  2. Grund Akten: This insrtrument was used to record these land claims and taken before the court during Germany administration
  3. Court Grants: This is the final decision given by the court over land claims submitted
  4. Crown Grants: These were grants by the government during New Zealands administration to vest lands.
  5. Deeds(Conveyances, Morgage, etc): These are the instruments that are archived within the Samoa Land Records
  6. Land Register Books: This registration books records all interests and land dealings on the respective folios.


  1. Survey Plans
  2. Flur Plans
  3. Circuit Plans
  4. Records Maps
  5. LC Plans
  6. Scheme Plans

Land Valuation


The role of the Land VAluation Section under the the Land Management Division of the MNRE is regulatory in nature which extends to regulating valuation prasctices of the privte sector as mandated under the Land VAluation Act 2010 and its Land Valuation Committee.

The Land Valuation committee’s is established under section 7 of the Land Valuation Act 2010 with its core function is to implement it’s administrative functions in the monitoring of valuation practices in Samoa, developing valuation standards and exercising other functions given by Ministry such as the Issurance of licences, formulating policies and regulatuons for guidence to all Valuer’s.

Land Valuation Committee

Chairman- Chief Executive Officer

Vice Chairman- Assistant Chief Executive                                          Officer

Member- Sa’u Liamanaia Toeupu Kaisara

Member- (Vacant)

Advisory Service

Valuation section is also responsible in providing valuation services to official government request through our Land Board or from other government agencies, corporations, banks and other institutions for the purpose such as land exchanges, compensation, stamp duty, market value assessment and other requests