Environment and Conservation

The Division of Environment & Conservation (DEC) has served the country for more than 20 years. Over the years and with different emerging issues that has threatened Samoa’s biodiversity from land to sea, the Division with more than 30 staff has expanded and includes five Sections – National Parks, Waste, Chemical and Hazardous Waste,Terrestrial Conservation and the Marine Conservation. Each Section is responsible for implementing activities and programs that tries to address the different threats impacting Samoa’s biodiversity.

Linking to the overall vision of the Samoan Government to “improved quality of life for All”.

DEC’s overall objective is to “implement sustainable development and management of biological resources and the environment including waste management”.

We welcome you to visit the different Sections and learn about the various projects and programs implemented under each Section.  There are also numerous educational materials and publications which are made available for you.

We also welcome you to provide feedback on how the Division of Environment and Conservation can further improve our services and cater to your needs. Please enjoy reading and learning about the work we do.


Seumalo Afele Faiilagi

Assistant Chief Executive Officer


Marine Biodiversity Conservation

National Parks & Reserves

Terrestial Biodiversity Conservation


– Samoa Ocean Strategy 2020. finalized , signed and officially  launched;

– National Ocean Steering Committee (NOSC) established with 1st and 2nd meetings convened 2 technical working group ( TWG1 & TWG2 ) for the Samoa

Ocean Strategy with first meetings completed :

– Completed Summary Report and Revised Draft CITES BILLS 2021

Aleipata  Districts Marine Protected Area ( MPA)  management plan 2020-2025 finalized, endorsed and officially launched

– Four mangrove reserves established with management plans finalized, endured and officially







– Developed and translate the following measures for the implementation of Access and Benefit Sharing. Biocultural 

Community Protocol for Faleaseela and Aopo which will assist the communities in their process of Access  and Benefit Sharing.